Who we are

Home collection of vehicles to be demolished in San Prospero


Vehicle demolishment certificates

 After the home collection and demolition of the vehicles, Gibertoni Corrado issues the certificate of destruction in compliance with the regulations in force on the subject - Article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 209/2003 - 149/2006. With a complete range of services for the correct treatment of vehicles, the team also takes care of cancellation from the PRA register.

Transportation and demolitions

 Gibertoni Corrado is a certified company that offers their services while respecting the environment. We obtained the ISO 14001: 2004 environmental certification in 2009, an important milestone for those working in the demolition sector. The company is also registered on the National Register of Environmental Managers.
Write to corradogibertoni@virgilio.it for more information.
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